الأربعاء، 25 نوفمبر 2015

أحذية القدم المخلبي 00201207006565 الوكيل للاجهزة التعويضية

TARSO Open Toe Boots

Tarso Open Toe Boots are designed to be used to help maintain correction in babies with Clubfoot and Metatarsus Adductus. Tarso Open Toe Boots are made on both our Tarso Medius straight last, and our Tarso Pronator full abduction, outflare last.
All Tarso Open Toe Boots are made with soft tanned leathers, soft rolled top lines, and special built-in padding at the back of the boot and under the tongues.

All of these boots have two plated steel screw receptacles set flush in the bottom of the outsole, so that splints or other appliances can be fastened directly to the shoe without rivets or clamps. Tarso Open Toe Boots come in a wide range of sizes and widths to fit children throughout their treatment.




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